Saturday, December 5, 2020

Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation


Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation by David Marler (2013 self-published Kindle 285p)

As part of my life-long interest in aerospace topics I’ve always had time for the UFO mystery. I read every book I could find in the library about it as a kid and still pick up the occasional new book on the subject. In general, I have the feeling there’s something to it, possibly several different things going on but the ‘noise’ is overwhelming – whatever serious study of the unexplained was going on its been drowned out by the shysters and pseudo-religious adherents of so-called ‘Ufology’. The devotion to the ‘nuts and bolts’ ETH (the extraterrestrial hypothesis, ie real live alien pilots) and conspiracy theories has muddied the waters so much that any serious study risks being stillborn. However, in recent years there has been a brave attempt by a few new players to actually look at the data and go against the popular grain.

The triangular UFO subset has always been the most interesting to me – they seem much less ephemeral and I have always suspected they are some sort of secret military project. In this book Marler attempts to produce a report on what we know about the reported objects and an estimate on what’s going on. A large chunk of the book simply recounts witness sightings from over the years and this is fascinating although I found they repeatedly offer tantalising details only to pull back at the last moment. The author then lists what the sightings have in common and gives examples for each point. After consulting experts, he naively (in my opinion) dismisses the military project explanation and makes faint moves toward the ETH as an explanation. On the whole he is sane and sober and is more interested in the known facts and what they tell us rather than creating a grand theory to explain it all away. The book is worth it for the witness sketches and artists’ impressions alone.

Maybe one for a niche interest only but quite a cut above for books on this topic.

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