Sunday, January 12, 2014


“Them: Adventures with Extremists” by Jon Ronson (Kindle Edition)

This book is pretty straight-forward – Investigative journalist (and humourist) Jon Ronson travels the globe interviewing assorted extreme nutjobs, from a  comical Islamist in London to American militia through to a man who believes 12-foot tall alien lizards are our secret rulers. Along the way he discovers they all have certain beliefs in common – that a secretive group known as the Bilderbergers regularly meet to conspire against us all and arrange the great events of history. Assisted by some rather dodgy personalities he tracks down the group to a meeting in Portugal and then to their annual retreat in California. Yes the Bildeberg group actually exists but the reality seems somewhat more mundane than the conspiracy theories would have you believe. This book is highly entertaining and somewhat eye-opening when it comes to the ‘extremists’ – most are pretty sad and ineffectual little men.

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