Monday, May 6, 2013

I Can Make You Hate

"I Can Make You Hate" by Charlie Brooker (Kindle Edition)

I've been a fan of Charlie Brooker's output for several years now..first encountered him via his year-end 'wipe' specials downloaded from the interrnet and have since followed him through his Guardian columns (, TV reviews and other TV shows. He's around the same age as me and seems to share a similar sense of humour.
This book is a collection of his columns, reviews and scripts from 2009 through to mid 2012. Its great material, makes me laugh out loud (well at least giggle..) and its always witty and close to the bone. Noone does pent up anger and rage at the modern world quite like Brooker. However it does immerse you deeply into a very UK-centric universe, with frequent references to public figures and celebrities that meant next to nothing to me.
Well worth your time.

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