Friday, November 29, 2013

Bleeding Edge

"Bleeding Edge" by Thomas Pynchon

First of all this is the second Pynchon book in a row that I've actually managed to finish(!) - he seems to becoming more prolific in his output which is a good sign I guess.
Unfortunately, I have to say this book gave me a bit of a 'meh' reaction - I was expecting so much more from a book set in 2001 and centred around September 11 and the internet industry. It could have gone in all sorts of trademark Pynchon paranoiac directions and gotten really weird but apparently not. This is pretty much a straight story about a forensic accountant who discovers dirty dealings going on behind the scenes of a tech company and how her family, friends and city all end up being involved to some extent. There are some nice little touches here and there and I can't fault the writing, close in style to his last novel "Inherent Vice" (also pretty mild Pynchon stuff). A decent read but not exactly mind-blowing.